4 Strategies to Create Raving Clients and TONS of Referrals

mom and me buying her first MacI took my mom to the Apple Store on Saturday to buy her first Mac.  And it was an eye-opening experience.   The Apple Store Employee spent nearly two hours with us, setting everything up, answering questions and then facilitating the transfer process from her old computer to her new one.

As I looked around, I noticed Apple employees patiently helping everyone in the store the same way – even on Saturday of Thanksgiving Weekend.  I was told by the store owner that most new Apple owners are brought in or convinced to switch by a current MAC owner (in this case it was me convincing my mom).

It can be complicated to figure out how to create raving fans.  You may notice that your clients aren’t exactly getting the kind of results you’d like them to get, but you aren’t sure how to give them better results without adding more hours to your programs or raising the prices.  Or you have the opposite problem, your clients rave about you, but you are exhausted from spending way too much of your time and energy on each one.  Or you aren’t charging enough money, so the business is “full” but your lifestyle is “empty”.

The answer is to a make sure you plan your programs and offerings with your clients in mind, that you step into their skins and really see things from their perspective.  Put the following 4 strategies in place to have your clients to RAVE about you.  Everyone will be happier for it.  Here’s to a bevvy of raving clients for you in 2011!

1.  Create Your Programs around What Is Ideal For Your Clients and Then Price Accordingly. Let’s say you are offering 2 programs, one where clients meet with you three times a month and one where clients meet with you twice a month.  You know your clients are getting the best results by working with you 3 times a month, but you are afraid to get rid of the 2 times a month option because it is at the lower price point.  Take a leap of faith and just offer the three times a month program for a higher fee.  It may take some time, but the fact that your client’s are getting better results will increase your confidence in selling more of the higher priced package. You’ll also get more referrals.

At the beginning of this year, I changed all of my Platinum one-on-one programs to begin with a full day intensive with me.  I just found that I work best with my clients when I can map out the big picture with them in the beginning.  I also raised my prices to match the extra value that clients would get from the new program. My first three platinum clients referred my next three clients and it grew from there.

To give you another example, I’ve also decided to keep one-on-one laser sessions in all of my group programs.  Even though every coach has told me that I shouldn’t do it – I just can’t help it.  I LOVE connecting with my clients individually and that time can really make a difference in their businesses.  So until I’m making a gazillion dollars – I’d much rather have ultra-successful folks in my programs who get a little extra one-on-one love.

Trust your gut instinct to create the “ideal” program for your client – even if it is different from what currently exists out there.  And don’t be afraid to charge more for it.

2. You Don’t Need to Give Them The Whole Shabang. Ok, so having followed my rule above, I want to make a very important distinction: YOU DON’T HAVE TO TEACH YOUR CLIENTS EVERYTHING YOU KNOW.  Notice how I said above, create your programs around what is ideal for your clients? Often we make the mistake as practitioners that more is more.  But in most cases more is less.  Pay attention to your clients.  If you notice that they are consistently “falling behind” or not finishing tasks that you had set out for them – chances are that you are feeding them too much information.  Remember that every client is at a different level.  The ones that need more will let you know that they need more.  Ask your clients how they are doing.  Take notes on their responses and shift your programs from there.

3. Create a Referral System. Ok, so you have a raving client.  She is just filled up on “love” for you and the program.  Here’s what you have to remember – even the happiest client in the world can forget to talk about you to her friends.  You have to set up a system to remind her to refer to you.  One way to do this is to send out periodic e-mails to your past and current clients letting them know you have spaces in your schedule for new clients.  Ask them to forward on an invite message that you create for them.  Another way to do this is to give your clients an affiliate commission and make sure you let every client know that they get extra cash for sending their friends to you.

4. Add Systematic Evaluations to All of Your Services. Mark the halfway mark on your calender for every program, group program or service package that you offer.  On that day, send out an e-mail asking for an evaluation of how the program is going.  Ask questions like: What do you like?  What would you change?  How would you change it?  What would this program have to include for it be an Ideal program for you?  Use your client’s comments to upgrade your programs.  Many of us fear this step, because we are afraid of critiques.  But trust, me 90% of the time you’ll get glowing feedback and constructive comments that will prove useful.  And the other 10% – well, it’s the perfect learning to keep us at the top of our game.

Ok, so that does it for you – 4 Strategies for Raving Clients and Tons of Referrals.  Of course, I couldn’t cover everything and I know that all of you amazing business owners out there have even more to share.  So please use the comments below to let me know what you thought of these suggestions.  Oh and if you have other suggestions – please share!  The more the merrier.  My goal with Revenue Breakthrough is to create a thriving and open community based on abundance, not competition and scarcity, so please let me know what you think and please share.

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