How to Really Find the Joy Again in Your Business

A good friend of mine just had a baby and brought him to New York to meet all her friends. When I asked her how it went, she said, “I love how a baby changes everyone. He brings out their happiest beings. I’ve seen people giggle, coo and laugh in ways that I’ve never seen before. It’s been amazing.”

Children have that effect on people. I was just sitting in an airport next to an eight-week-old baby – the sparkle and wonder in his eyes was so captivating that I could hardly take my attention away from him. I felt as though he was teaching me a lesson on how to really look at the world.

When we were little we all had dreams – what we wanted to do when we grew up. Who we wanted to be, what the world would have in store for us.

One of my male friends knew from 8 years old that he would have a little girl – today his little girl is one and a half. My childhood dream was to sit on an African plain, watching and learning from endangered species, then using my skills as a veterinarian to save them from extinction. After I learned that I was allergic to animal hair at age 21 – those dreams took a wild left turn. But so many of the skills I learned by watching animals still serve me with my clients today.

By exploring what your dreams were as a child, it connects you with the most innocent and primal parts of you. As an entrepreneur we’re asked to create new things every day. When we connect with what we loved as a child – it helps us to discover things that we love as an adult.

What did you want to be when you grew up?  Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Photo: flickr, dinesh maneer

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