Sales Training Part 3: How to Get More Yeses in Your Sales Conversations

This article is part 3 of my Sales Training series. In case you missed the other two parts: 

Sales Training Part 1: How to Move More Money Into Your Bank Account — click here. 

Sales Training Part 2: 3 Reasons Why They Aren’t Saying Yes in your Sales Conversations and what to do about it — click here. 

Ok, let’s dive in. 

You are doing sales conversations. 

But the problem is that people aren’t saying Yes. 

Or they are saying, “Maybe, I just need to think about it.” 

Or they aren’t saying any definite Yes or No.

I know how frustrating it is to take the time to really speak with someone, put your heart and soul into the call and then not have the outcome you want. 

Here’s the good news — usually there are about 6 major problems that cause sales conversations to go awry. I covered the first 3 problems in the second part of this article series: 3 Reasons Why They Aren’t Saying Yes in your Sales Conversations and what to do about it. 

So let’s move on to the next 3 problems in our sales training series. 

Problem #4: You Are Trying to Schedule Everyone Through Email or Phone

So when someone emails you and says, “I’m interested in working with you,” something very interesting happens. The universe opens a door for them. As soon as someone realizes they have a problem, like “Oh I want to lose weight,” the universe opens up a million solutions for them to solve it. Chances are they are going to meet a few weight loss experts, notice a few books and read about a few programs all at the same time.

So what this means for you is that if you don’t schedule someone right away, and I mean within the week, to have a conversation with you when they ask for it, chances are you will lose them. 

I know that this is a hard truth. 

But the great news is that it’s easier than ever to schedule someone for a conversation these days. You just use an autoscheduler system. 

The Solution:

USE AN AUTOSCHEDULER: These are systems that allow you to send someone a link and then they can choose a time that works for them. That way you don’t have to go back and forth over email to pick dates. Here are some systems we suggest:

  • Calendly
  • Acuity
  • Timetrade

Problem #5: Your Energy is All Over the Place Before and During the Calls

We go through so much as entrepreneurs. Rejection, isolation, sadness, guilt, shame, and fear. And it’s very easy to bring these emotions into our sales calls if we aren’t careful. 

Let’s say you got into a fight with your spouse before a call. You may not even realize it, but you bring anger into the call. So when the person is having trouble making a decision, you get very impatient with them. That does not bode well for inspiring someone to say Yes. 

Or let’s say your last 5 sales conversations have said No. You bring disappointment energy into the call. And your prospective client simply doesn’t feel inspired by you. Again, not a great way to get to Yes.

The Solution: 

Stabilize Your Energy. Always judge your energy, mood and being before a sales conversation. Never start to sell if you are tired, desperate, sad, or angry. Shake it off beforehand. I suggest a dance break or a walk around the park to change your energy if need be.

Problem #6: You are Avoiding or Resisting Objections! 

Objections are when people say:

“I can’t afford this right now.”

“I don’t have time right now.”

“I have to speak to my partner first.”

“I need to think about it.”

Or some other phrase that is not a Yes, but it’s not quite a No either.

I know this can be frustrating. But hang in there because…

There’s one thing I have to say about objections: they are awesome! Really, I want you to know that when someone has an objection it means that she is really thinking about buying the product or service. In fact more than 90% of your most successful sales conversations will end with you working through objections, so don’t resist or try to avoid them. 

The Solution:

Learn to Love Objections: Act like a partner during the objection process. Help your client problem-solve. If they say they don’t have time, ask them what they are doing with their time and help them find the time for your services or products. If they say they don’t have money, ask them what money they do have. Or help them come up with ways to find the money. 

Remember the key is to “Yes, and…” That means saying Yes to the objections AND helping them come up with ways around them. Don’t get upset. Don’t get belligerent. Don’t make them try to see why they are wrong. 

Instead jump in and act as their partner in the process.

Join my Revenue Breakthrough Facebook group for a deeper video on this content and tons more videos, training, and free resources to help you rock your business.

Photo: flickr, _unlikely

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