The Courage to Say No as We Say Yes

Do you have the courage to say no?

“A simple filter for managing your time: you’re not focused enough unless you’re mourning some of the things you’re saying no to.”

I saw this in a newsletter by James Clear and immediately thought of how appropriate it is for us as entrepreneurs. 

Many of us need to learn how to say No as we say Yes. This sounds a bit backward, but it’s one of the hardest lessons I had to learn in my business. 

At the start of my business, I took an adjunct teaching position for students in their senior year at a local university, mainly to help pay the bills. It was an amazing class where each student wrote a business plan for a business they wanted to start or had already started, complete with a full financial plan.  

Word got out that I was running my own business (and pretty darn good with numbers) and before I knew it all the students who were actually starting real businesses were in my class.

One of my students had started a clothing line for toddler boys. Another was selling jewelry boxes on the Home Shopping Network.  

We met on Fridays for five hours to give the students time to work on their businesses and get access to me. It was wonderful. Their enthusiasm, energy, and spirit were contagious. 

But then I started dropping balls. I was late to class. I couldn’t get the assignments graded in time. I started to lose my patience with their questions.  

I hit rock bottom when one of the administrators asked if there was something wrong. I went home that day and collapsed into tears. 

I have one rule for myself: give your best in everything you do. And I was breaking it – over and over again. Revenue Breakthrough had grown and was taking up more of my space, mentally and physically. 

I’ll never forget the moment when I realized I had to let the class go. I was so sad that even my go-to red velvet cupcake couldn’t pick me up (and that’s saying a lot). 

At the end of that quarter, when I told the head of teachers I had to leave,  he said, “Monica, make up any class you want and offer it. We’ll totally support you – just stay. The students love you and they don’t want you to leave.” 

I was heartbroken as I said No.  

Revenue Breakthrough was my mission – my heart and soul – and I knew it needed my full attention at that moment.  

So I said Yes to my business, and I walked away.  

Someday, I may go back to teaching 22-year-olds – that age group is just delightful – but today, I don’t regret my decision.  

I went on to grow Revenue Breakthrough to thousands of students and hundreds of events.  

My company has literally taken care of me in good times and bad. 

I was just looking at October and September of 2021 when I had major abdominal surgery and was out for six weeks. During these months I earned $93,000 and $95,000 respectively.  

The sacrifices we make early on in our businesses will pan out for our growth later on. What you let go of today will only allow for more growth tomorrow.  

If you are willing to do in the first few years what most people are never willing to do – you will have for the rest of your life what most people never do.  Have the courage to just say no.

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