Using Your Spiritual Gift to Make a Living

There’s so much magic that can happen at the intersection of spirituality and business. This week, a new member of our Facebook group asked a question that I think is relevant for so many of you out there. She asked, “Can I use my spiritual gift of healing to make a living?”

Now, the short answer is Yes, absolutely. Your spiritual gifts can contribute hugely to making an amazing living off of your business – but there are a couple things to remember. 

Your gift of healing is what I call a modality. It is a tool that you use to help people, and it is one of many tools that I’m sure you possess.

You probably do lots of different types of healing work – maybe you help people heal by talking them through their problems, doing energy work, or doing Reiki. These are all tools in your tool belt.

Now, when people decide that they want to solve a problem, they typically aren’t thinking about the tool that they’re going to use to solve that problem – they’re just thinking about the problem. 

Let’s say I have a client named Sarah. Sarah wakes up in the morning and realizes that she doesn’t fit into her jeans anymore. She’s frustrated. Sarah pulls a few more pieces from her closet, and realizes that she no longer feels good in most of the clothes that she absolutely loves.

She’s gained some weight. She’s unhappy with herself. She walks out the door, and the only question on her mind is – how do I lose weight?

Maybe Sarah meets a chiropractor while she’s waiting for the train, and the chiropractor says, “Hey, I can help you lose weight.”

When she asks how, he says, “I have special chiropractic cleanse plans to help your body be able to optimally release the weight,” and Sarah is thrilled.

Or maybe Sarah stops to get coffee and comes across an acupuncturist who says, “I can help you lose weight.”

When she asks how, she responds, “I can use acupuncture to stimulate the areas of your body that are blocked, increase your metabolism, and allow your body to release the weight.” 

Maybe Sarah walks out the door and stops to check her mailbox, where she runs into a nutritionist who offers to help her release weight by eating the right foods. 

The key here is that making money by helping people heal isn’t necessarily about the specific modality that you’re using. The key is being clear about a “wake up in the morning” problem that you can solve for people who come to you asking for help.

The first step towards using your spiritual gift to make a living is picking a target market and a “wake up in the morning” problem that you’re solving, and then leading with that verbal message.

For example, if you decided that your spiritual gift of healing could help women lose weight, then you would start a conversation by saying, “I help women release weight.”

At that point, once people have leaned in because you’re offering to solve their problem, then you can tell them that you’ll accomplish that through your spiritual gift of healing.

Now, I know that choosing a target market and a problem is much easier said than done. Of course, it is a decision that you’ll have to make, but I do want to let you know that you can pick more than one problem.

For example, you could work with helping people release weight and helping them move through fertility issues or helping them find a new job.

You can definitely do that – but understand that when you pick more than one problem, you’re going to have to market to more than one audience.

After a while, you’ll likely find yourself focusing in on one problem as you get clients and determine which group you like the best.

So here’s to you using that gift of spiritual healing to make an amazing living.

And if you’d like some support with that – check out our upcoming Money Flow Experience event, which is an unconventional 3-day experience where business and spirituality merge to create FLOW around money, visibility, and sales. 

Go to to learn more. Tickets for readers of this newsletter are only $95 with the promo code save400.

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