What To Do If You Are TIRED (inside and out)

So TIRED. If you’re like a lot of my clients, lately, you’re exhausted. 

Even if things are going well – there’s simply a lot going on. On multiple levels, emotionally, spiritually, physically. 

As entrepreneurs we’re holding a lot. 

Our businesses. 

Our families. 

What’s going on in the world. 

And so much more…

And I want to congratulate you on all of it! You are doing it, my friend. 

But as we move into the middle of summer – that little voice in your head starts to go off, “Can we play now? Do I really have to work today?” 

I thought my four step process for stopping and resting would be helpful right now. 

And just in case you forgot… 

You have permission to rest. 

You have permission to stop. 

You have permission to take care of you. 

Sometimes we all need to hear that 🙂 


  1. R – REMEMBER that after any high or busy time, it’s normal to experience a low. You could have a high from doing a virtual speaking event or even a great sales conversation…and then a day later, you hit sudden exhaustion. You end up watching netflix or cleaning your closet all day instead of doing your “real work.” This is quite normal. The best way to handle this situation is to expect it, even plan for it. 

For those of you that are moms, I suggest taking some time off on Monday mornings (or even the whole day on Monday), especially after busy weekends with family. You’ll have a much better week if you give yourself time to rest on Monday. 

  1. E – EMOTIONS come up all the time when you’re an entrepreneur, especially around those highs and lows I just mentioned.

But guess what? You can plan ahead for them. If you know you hit lows after virtual or live speaking events, delegate tasks for the days after the event, so you can take care of yourself.

If you know that running a zoom event can leave you feeling drained or even sad, plan for some time where you read a novel, take a bath, lean into those emotions instead of resisting them. 

  1. S – STOPPING is okay. In fact, I recommend planning your stops! If you work all day on Tuesday and then run a networking meeting that night… just know that you’ll need to stop for a bit on Wednesday mornings, in order to recover.

Successful entrepreneurs do NOT work all the time (though it may seem like it). They have just learned to manage their energy and time. So when they are working, they are REALLY working, getting it all done. And when they are off, they are REALLY relaxing. 

The key is cutting out that in between stuff, where your mind isn’t in it, but you are still scrolling on the computer. 

I like to call this “mastering the on-off switch.“ It takes time to master, but when you get this, it changes your ENTIRE perspective on work. 

  1. T – TOUCH is a wonderful way to release the emotions we hold in our bodies. With the pandemic, it’s tough to get out there to get that full body massage or energy work, and I thought about taking this step out. 

But even though we are stuck at home, this step is still important. 

At the end of a long day, I’ve given myself foot massages or traded them with my partner and it makes such a big difference. 

Even taking the time to luxuriously put lotion all over your body. Or do a nice scrub in the shower or bath. 

The body holds so much tension and when we give it a nice rub-down, we give it permission to release that tension. 

Use these steps to recover and rest. 

Then, when you’ve got that energy back, go make tons of money and make this world a better place! (But don’t forget to plan ahead for your lows!)

And if you could use a hand with this – please don’t forget to join me TODAY for my FREE Masterclass at 3:00 PM ET – Creating Plan B: How to Stop Circling and Step into a SOLID Plan for 2020. 

And just a quick note, many of you have been asking about my Revenue Breakthrough Virtual Intensives, my small group coaching events where you get 1-1 time with me to get your business handled. Our July events are SOLD OUT (yeah!). But we have 5 spots left for our August 25-26th vRBI. Check out the information here – it’s only $495 when you use the code save500 (limited time only). 

Photo: flickr, waldopepper

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