your business

Three Tips to Replacing Your Day Job with Your Business

I know that so many of you are working day jobs while growing your business that you’re hoping can one day replace your day job as your primary income stream.  I got a superb question from a new member of our Facebook group today (by the way, if you haven’t.


personal assistant get help assistance

Why a Personal Assistant Might Be Perfect for You

As we round out the month of January, you might be asking yourself – how am I going to hit these goals without more support? And I hear you.  I can remember getting home from a business trip, opening the fridge, and finding nothing but old orange juice and one.


your numbers, money loves attention

What I Mean When I Say ‘Money Loves Attention’

Money loves attention. I’ve been teaching this rule since I started Revenue Breakthrough in 2005. Now, the fact is that most entrepreneurs tend to avoid looking at their numbers. Even if you have a bookkeeper, it’s likely that you avoid looking at the reports that she sends you. We’re afraid.


exhausted overwhelmed new year

Exhausted? Let’s Reframe for the Year Ahead

It’s the middle of January, and the shimmer of the New Year is fading. Perhaps you relate. As entrepreneurs, the New Year can make us feel overwhelmed and exhausted because we just finished climbing a mountain in the previous year – and now we have to climb the whole thing.


time to let go

Time to let go

This week, I am meeting with my group of private clients for a two day mastermind. And it reminded me of a story about how I learned that it was time to let go. It was my first three day event, and we were in a hotel in New Jersey..


Money Loves Specificity

What I Mean when I Say ‘Money Loves Specificity’

Happy New Year!!! So my guess is that you want a lot more of everything this year – more money, more time, more clients, more freedom. The thing that every type of “more” has in common is that we’re gonna need some cash flow to cover it. This brings up one.


3 pages examples from savvy speaker checklist

The Savvy Speaker's Checklist

Download a done-for-you list with everything you need to remember before, during and after your next speaking event.

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client jumpstart logo

How to get 7 clients in the next 60 days.

I’ve taken the top 7 strategies I teach business owners who are serious about getting clients, and bundled them into one powerful 4-part course designed to show you what to do now to get 7 clients in the next 60 days...

Monica Shah
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