“Faith Without Works Is Dead”


First the premise, then the promise.

Premise #1: If you have some gift, some dream, some creation, some idea to offer to the world, than you, my love, are a potential bringer of hope.

Premise #2: It’s a very challenging time in the history of the world. We need all the hope we can get. Since you are a potential Hope Bringer, you, are Mission Critical to the solving of world problems.

Premise #3: “Faith without Works Is Dead.” (anonymous) Without action, your dream cannot prosper, it cannot flower, it cannot spread, it cannot heal those whom you are meant to serve.

So, if you have some gift, some dream, some creation, some idea to offer to this Beautiful world, and you DON’T take the actions your dream needs you to take to make it manifest, than the hope that you have for the world is impotent.

I know, I know – them’s strong words. But, love, them’s true ones, too.

Now for the Promise: If you learn how to bring your gift, your dream, your creation, or your idea to market, then you automatically become part of the solution to a more peaceful and enlightened world.

Unless, you get afraid.

And then you retreat. And then the people who need your solutions don’t know that there is an answer to the problems that really plague them. And, each time that exchange doesn’t happen, each time you hold yourself back, one small light goes out in the world.

On the other hand, let’s say you get empowered, let’s say you study your craft and you get more and more better at finding the people who need the answers you bring.

You get empowered, you can’t stop sharing, an exchange happens, and somewhere across the world, despair is replaced with the light of hope.

That’s because you have become a Hope Bringer.

You, my love, are a salesperson.


photo: flickr, Gabby

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