He managed billions of dollars…

As I was taking a moment to myself this week, I remembered a story I learned in business school about a super successful banker.

He manages billions of dollars (literally – billions) on Wall Street.

Which means every decision he makes and every action he takes has MASSIVE effects on both his money and other people’s money.

And he has an interesting way of going about things…

If you come to him and ask a question that he doesn’t know the answer to, or needs to make a decision on – he says, “I’m going to figure that out during my thinking time.”

Every day, at 4pm, he sits in a chair, reads his list of questions and decisions… and then he puts the list away and meditates for 15 minutes.

Then he reads the list again, giving himself the time to make decisions about what’s next.

I love this story because, as business owners, we struggle so much about making decisions. We agonize over what’s right and what’s wrong.

And it’s because we’re only looking outside of ourselves to validate our decisions.

“Who else is doing it this way? Did it work for them? Oh, So-and-So did it a different way, maybe I should do that, too…”

We also go into fear – “What if something goes wrong? What if I make the wrong decision?”

The truth is – you DO have to take those things into consideration. It’s smart to talk to others when weighing your choices. You do have to be aware of the possible consequences of your decisions. That’s why I’m always working with a few business coaches to help me strategize.

But you also need to look within for the answers and decisions.

Personally, I’ve been incorporating the idea of Pausing into my days.

Like the banker in the story, I take time to pause… get quiet and still… and tune in with my inner knowing and intuition.

The pauses differ – sometimes it’s taking a walk. Other times it’s letting myself zone out in front of a book. Other times it’s meditating. It depends on the day.

And I can say with 100% certainty that this practice has made running my business so much easier – and more fun.

But I realize this is a step not very many of us know how to do.

Or we do it… but we don’t trust the answers that we get… Or we don’t know how to interpret or recognize the answers we get.

That’s why I’m teaching a brand-new webinar on this exact topic…and I’d love for you to join me…

The Slow Down Solution:
How to Create More Time and Money By Doing Less

Tuesday, August 22nd @ 7pm ET | 4pm PT

>>Click here to register for free<<

Here’s what I’m covering:

  • How to consistently pause to receive the best answers – and be certain about the actions that will move you forward the fastest.
  • The exact method for tuning into yourself, so that you can get amazing results.
  • How doing less can actually help you create more.
  • What to focus on, what to let go of, and how to prioritize the actions that build results without exhaustion.

These are the exact techniques I’ve been using in my own business – and have been teaching to my high-level clients.

It’s a skill set that many entrepreneurs never learn.

But when you do learn it, and start to use it regularly, it makes all the difference in the world.

You no longer have to agonize over a decision for weeks – or even months! (Admit it: there’s something on your To Do List that has been on there for months because you can’t decide something silly, like a color scheme or a price point, or a title.)

And you’re able to move forward with a level of certainty and confidence that makes running a successful business so. much. easier.

Join me on The Slow Down Solution webinar to learn how.

Leave me a comment about what you do to take a Pause or slow down. Let’s compare notes!

Photo: flickr, Vooky4U

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