Part 2: Women and Money: The Prince Syndrome

In case you missed last week’s article on keeping more money — you can check it out here:

As I prepare for the Master Your Money Event, I’ve got money on my mind! I’ve been writing a series on the underlying things that are keeping women entrepreneurs from goal setting successfully, and creating more money!

Part 1: The Mess We’re In With Money: Why We Struggle To Keep The Money We Make

This week I’d like to focus on women and money — one of my favorite topics! My mission on the planet is to change the money conversation around the world for women. In order to do that — we need to delve deep into what’s keeping us women from successfully goal setting and reaching the results we want when it comes to money.

It all starts with how we were raised — what we saw, heard or experienced around money. I’ve had the privilege of speaking to hundreds of women about money and there are so many belief systems that are at play. Here’s the first example — I’ll continue with more next week. I’ve changed the names here for privacy.

“The Prince Syndrome”

Sarah’s dad has always been a tough character — but she knew he loved her. And as she watched her mom and dad interact — their marriage was pretty equal, but her dad was the breadwinner. In fact, even in her 30’s Sarah found herself asking her father for money when she was running low.

When Sarah came to me — she had a total block around asking for money. She was 38 years old, single and ran her graphic design business like a hobby — sometimes even forgetting to send invoices out. The lack of money in her bank account was scary sometimes, but she always had her father as a safety net that she used more often than she liked to admit.

When I asked Sarah what she was waiting for in terms of building her skill sets around effective sales strategies, she thought for a moment and said, “I guess I never thought I would do this. Make money on my own. Pay for everything on my own. Have to run a business. I always thought I’d have someone that would come and make it all better.”

Her money voice was: “Someone else will figure this out. I don’t have to.”

This is what I call “waiting for the prince syndrome.” And as women, we don’t even realize we have it sometimes. It can even pop up if you are in a relationship and your partner loses his/her job. Suddenly you are the primary breadwinner and that goes against all that you were taught about being saved.

Now, if this is starting to raise some hackles for you — please know this isn’t a terrible thing! There is nothing wrong with receiving. But if the expectation of receiving is getting in the way of you doing — then there’s something that needs to be looked at.

I encourage all business owners to ask themselves this question:

What am I waiting for to make more money in my business?

Go ahead and write down the question and then write down your answers. Be brutally honest. You aren’t going to show it to anyone. Are you waiting to be saved?

If so — please don’t beat yourself up.

It’s just time to be your own savior. To find your own power and step into your gifts. I highly suggest registering for a business training course and surrounding yourself with other successful women entrepreneurs immediately. That way you can start to build your skill sets, take smarter actions, and find other women entrepreneurs to inspire your success.

Little by little, with each monetary success that you create, you’ll start to believe in yourself and see your own power. It will become clear that if and when your prince/princess shows up — the two of you can share the money power equally. And for those of you that are in relationships right now with this dynamic — getting confident about making money will make it possible to shift the balance of power — so you both start feeling more equality.

The most important aspect of “The Prince Syndrome” is that you don’t feel shame around it.

I know when I asked this question — I realized that in so many ways, I was waiting for my father to save me too. It’s more common than we realize.

But here’s what I do know — there’s so much power in awareness.

When you start to get clear that no one is coming to save you, and more importantly that there’s no part of you that needs saving — you have access to a power within you that will blow your mind. You can begin to access urgency, drive and creativity — three sources of fuel for your soul fire. You can step fully into your mission on the planet and allow yourself to be pulled forward, instead of always having one foot on the brake. That is the secret to successful goal setting and goal achieving. Here’s to more money, more self-proclaimed royalty, and saving ourselves!

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