Why “More Discipline” Isn’t Going To Help

Quick note before we get to the article today –

I just announced a new Flow Method Get it Done Day for July 11th. If you struggle with working alone, like most of us do. Or you are downright ready to kiss this quarantine goodbye – this is for you!

We’ll get together, I’ll show you my Flow Method and you’ll get a chance to use to get stuff done!

It’s only $27 – check it out here.

Why “More Discipline” Isn’t Going To Help

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from entrepreneurs: “If I were just more focused/disciplined/determined/better I would get more done.”

Yes, sometimes we do need to be more focused, more organized, and more productive.

Especially now with the amount of stimulation in our world – many of us feel unfocused and like we could use more discipline.

But more often than not, even right now, there’s also a deeper issue at play – a question that we need to ask ourselves:

“What’s the REAL reason I’m not getting more done?”

From the experiences of my clients, I’ve found lots of reasons:

  • You need HELP with what you’re trying to do.
  • What you’re trying to force yourself to do is no longer aligned with what you want.
  • You aren’t taking care of your health, sleeping enough, eating the right foods – so you can’t focus on the hard things.
  • You’ve got a lot of personal stuff on your plate – and you don’t have extra energy to handle the business stuff.
  • You aren’t taking enough time off to rest – so you just don’t have the energy to work hard and do things you’re afraid of.

The Solution: There’s not one solution here. Each bullet point above could be a course of its own.

But the key is to delve into true self exploration instead of just beating yourself up. To lean into curiosity instead of brute forcing your way into doing something.

I’ve found that my clients are not inherently lazy or disorganized. But they become that way when they don’t have the energy to take risks. Or when they’re forcing themselves to do things they don’t really want to do. Or when there’s just too much on their plates to allow for the space and courage to face the everyday rejection of being an entrepreneur.

The simple solution: stop beating yourself up and instead look deeper.

Curiosity will conquer fear, avoidance, procrastination more than bravery & brute force ever will.

So, take a moment this week and look deeper. When you start to beat yourself up over not getting enough done, ask yourself the questions above and don’t let those voices in your head get the best of you!

Often it’s helpful to have someone help you look deeper – that’s why I do the belief work that I do with my clients. Just last week at our Revenue Breakthrough Virtual event, 8 out of the 12 clients there had a belief in their bodies that they weren’t allowed to be visible. That means that it doesn’t matter how much focus and discipline they have – it will always be difficult!

Well, we cleared that belief pronto!

If you could use some extra support around this, please check out our upcoming Revenue Breakthrough Virtual Intensive – July 18 and 19th. Use the code save500 to receive $500 off – a special gift for being one of my readers!

Photo: flickr, AirBeagle

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