The Witness

The Witness

I was reading a book on meditation the other day. I’ve been meditating off and on since college and I find it to be something that has always helped me get through tough times. As an entrepreneur – there’s a concept from meditation that is super...
Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

My family and I were enjoying a vacation at a resort in Turks and Caicos. There were 11 of us – my sisters, their husbands and my nieces and nephews. As my sister and I were walking up from the beach one morning, we saw my 16-year-old nephew Nilesh running at...
He managed billions of dollars…

He managed billions of dollars…

As I was taking a moment to myself this week, I remembered a story I learned in business school about a super successful banker. He manages billions of dollars (literally – billions) on Wall Street. Which means every decision he makes and every action he takes has...

I got married on Sunday, July 30th in Jamaica!

Connecting with so many friends and family members filled me to the brim with love. And being able to drink Pina Coladas in the pool during the days before and after was the icing on the cake. It was an amazing experience. And it taught me so much about love,...
Are You Willing?

Are You Willing?

“You are 100% responsible for every result you create in your life, both good and bad.” I remember when I first heard that statement, I wanted to punch the person who said it. Because I didn’t want to take responsibility for everything that was...